Under review for 2020
The name of this organization shall be Hutchinson Photography Club.
ARTICLE II – Purpose
The purpose of the not-for-profit club shall be to educate, encourage, and expand the photographic knowledge and capabilities of its members by:
(a) furnishing a meeting place where its members may associate,
(b) making available equipment required for the conduct of its meetings/events,
(c) presenting lectures, courses of study, and demonstration of techniques,
(d) providing for club and member participation in exhibitions and contests, and
(e) sponsoring any activities which further the purpose of the club.
ARTICLE III – Membership
Anyone 16 years old and above interested in photography may become a member by the payment of dues to the treasurer.
Members may be suspended or expelled by the Executive Board for non-payment of dues or for other good and sufficient reason. The Board shall have full discretion as to what constitutes “good and sufficient reason”, and the decision of the Board shall be final in instances of this case. Examples of what could constitute good and sufficient reason include, but are not limited to: obscene or threatening behavior and personal behavior that disrupts or interrupts meeting(s) to the detriment of other members’ participation and enjoyment.
The dues for individual or family membership shall be determined by the Executive Board. Dues shall be paid annually, with membership commencing on or after January 1st and ending on December 31st. (Currently it is $25 per individual, $40 per family or $15 for students. After July 1, it will be $15 per individual or $30 per family for the remainder of the year.
Dues shall be paid to the treasurer in December or January (or by the second month of participating in club activities) and must be paid in order to participate in monthly competitions, special events, and the annual club showcase.
ARTICLE V – Meetings
Regular meetings of the club shall, if possible, be held on the third week of each month. They are currently on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. The dates of regular meetings may be changed when necessary.
ARTICLE VI – Officers
The Officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Activities Director.
The President will conduct the Board meetings, regular meetings, and any special meetings of the club.
The Vice President will serve as the backup for the President and act as caretaker of the clubs photography equipment
The Secretary will record the minutes of the Board and regular meetings, collect contact information for new members, maintain a current club membership list, maintain the club’s email and maintain the club’s website.
The Treasurer will handle the financial business of the club, collect member dues, and make a financial statement at each monthly meeting and submit for archiving on the club website. The club funds will be held in an account Treasurer and another designated member being the only members of the club able to disperse funds.
The Activities Director shall chair the Activities Committee in order to plan club programs, events and field trips. The Activities Director shall maintain the club’s Facebook and Flickr pages.
ARTICLE VII – Election and Term of Service
After canvassing the membership for persons willing to serve, the President shall announce nominees to the membership for election. Officers shall be elected for two-year terms beginning in March. To avoid full turnover any given year, the President and Activities Director shall be elected in odd years while the Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected in even years. Voting shall be by ballot vote of those members present; a simple majority is required. If any officer vacates office, a successor shall be chosen by the Executive Board for the duration of the term.
ARTICLE VIII – Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of the officers. The Board shall handle all routine business of the club and shall authorize the expenditure of funds for all club expenses such as speakers, judges, equipment, printing, dues, and fees.
Meetings of the Board shall be called periodically by the President or Vice President, as required, to transact business of the club. Notification shall be given to each member of the Board at least five days in advance of the meeting. At meetings of the Board, three members shall constitute a quorum. Decisions of the Executive Board will be made by votes and require a simple majority.
Any member who wishes to bring items requiring Board action to the attention of the Board may do so at any time by alerting the President or any other board member. The Board will discuss the issue(s) at the next Board meeting. Members are also free to come before the Board at a Board meeting in order to raise the issue(s) of interest or concern.
ARTICLE IX – Committees
The standing committees of the club and their duties shall be:
- Activities Committee – under the Activities Director, shall arrange the programs for all club meetings, field trips, and special events except the Showcase.
- Showcase Committee shall arrange the venue, musician, food (if applicable), judges, and plan the logistics of the annual showcase.
The President may at any time appoint an ad hoc committee for a special purpose, but the actions of such committee shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Board in accordance with the intent of these Bylaws.
ARTICLE X – Volunteering
For every hour a member volunteers, s/he will get an hour of free training the club has outside the meeting. For example Joe volunteers three hours at fund raisers. In turn he, will receive three hours of club training when speakers are brought in outside the regular club meeting.
ARTICLE XI – Providing Club Services
To ensure the club meets expected requirements when providing services to outside requests, all requests for the Photography Club’s services must be directed to the club President. The President will gather the necessary information pertaining to the Statement of Work form and present it to the Executive Board who will then decide whether the club will take on the project. The project will then be assign one contact person from the club to act as coordinator for the project. The coordinator will work closely with the requester and relay information to other people on the project and the board.
If the requester asks for specific members to provide the shots, we will suggest the requester to contact the photographer separate from the club as the club is by volunteer only.
ARTICLE XII – Equipment
The club has purchased various types of equipment and lighting for the members to use free of charge. Members interested in using the equipment, please send an email to [email protected] to reserve it.
ARTICLE XIII – Amendment of Bylaws
An amendment to these bylaws may be initiated by (a) the Executive Board or (b) by a petition signed by at least twenty-five percent of the paid club membership. Notice of the proposed amendment shall be given by publishing it in full on the club website, together with the reasons therefore, at least thirty days prior to the meeting at which action will be taken.
Subject to the above, these bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the club by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. A quorum shall consist of at least twenty-five percent of the present members including two officers.
Adopted January 2016